Spending Political Capital to Push ReformsIn a democracy, people elect governments that enjoy administrative powers until at least the next election. But in addition to enjoying…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Want to improve your mental health? Do what our ancestors used to do.Modern times have largely been advantageous to humans. They now have more comforts than ever, they live longer, and they live in societies…Jan 20, 2021Jan 20, 2021
Journey vs. DestinationWhenever we think about success, we think of it as a light at the end of a dark tunnel, a destination at the end of a treacherous road, an…Aug 27, 2020Aug 27, 2020
Posting our lives on the internetWhy do we have an urge to announce on social media that we are having the best time of their lives? That we are drinking the best coffee…Jul 10, 2020Jul 10, 2020
A case against replacing humans with AITalking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more fashionable than ever in academic and entrepreneurial circles, especially…Jun 15, 2020Jun 15, 2020
Judges appointing Judges is Bad for DemocracyDemocracy requires a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In a representative democracy, people chose their…May 21, 2020May 21, 2020
Living Under a Flyover and Searching for a Place in Developing IndiaIn order to analyze a system, you sometimes need to have an outsider’s perspective. I had a similar experience when I visited India this…Mar 18, 2017Mar 18, 2017